The above video is the intuitive reading portion of this article, and this article will cover the more theoretic aspect of the reading, as well as offer a recap of the major points covered in the video. The video was recorded on September 1st and then posted to YouTube around Labor Day. Let’s make the most out of the last 10 days of this month. These energies are very present and it would be a shame to not make this post. Especially when next month's circumstances rely so heavily on how we handle this energy now.
Since Mercury went retrograde I have been having difficulties reading letters. As in, I will see a letter, and then the word doesn’t make sense, and it turned out to be another letter or even a number. But my vision was clear at the time. First time for everything, if it persists after Mercury goes direct I will get it checked out. What else can you do? Freak out? That's not very helpful to me anymore. I know that this happens when your Third Eye is open and you inadvertently look through it instead of your physical eyes. Reality shifts. Instead of seeing the 3-D plane, all of the sudden you are looking at the 4-D plane and because they can be similar, you can’t tell things have shifted just slightly until you shift back. This actually brings me to the major energy of the month, which is The Shadowdance card. This card represents The Devil in the traditional Tarot deck. In this deck, the Journey into the Hidden Realm, the Shadowdance card represents knowing your limits. Specifically when it comes to physical pleasure or indulging in the seven deadly sins. In the traditional Tarot the Devil card represents the sign of Capricorn and the concept of deception. In the last few months I have reached a new awareness in my spiritual path and because of it I felt it was necessary to restructure my services page. For those that know me I’ve been on this path for many years now, and this decision has been slowly building up through my own healing and psychic development. I think I just needed to see a sign to fully take this leap. This decision has led me to remove prediction based readings on my Services page. You might wonder what can I even help you with as a psychic if I’m not going to predict your future? Well, most of the people I’ve helped along the years hasn’t even been with predictions at all. See I use my psychic gifts to read energy, and I’ve been consciously using my Clairvoyance to see energy ever since I began offering energy healing sessions. I could see energy before that, but I didn’t know it was energy until I became a certified healer. I would like to use this blog article to explain what led me to this decision and to set a few conditions when it comes to prediction readings because they will still be posted on my socials and a prediction may still be included in one of your readings at no extra charge. I will also explain my new services for those that are interested in a one-on-one session with me. Condition #1 for Prediction ReadingsI will not charge for it. Even though I’ve had people pay me to read their futures in the past, I can no longer put a price on it. I will expand further in the article why. If people want to donate to me because they find it helpful, then that option will be available, ultimately it's up to you to set the price for what it's worth to you. Condition #2 for Prediction ReadingsI will post my predictions for free on Instagram as I usually do and eventually have plans to share on YouTube. As of right now you can check the monthly energy readings for a general outlook of the month. I cannot predict how you will act, but I can let you know what energies will be at play for the month to help you.
8/8/2022 Psychic energy reading - august 2022The purpose of this series is to give you a preview of the energies that are coming in the current month. Why does this matter? Well, first of all, when you know the energies that are coming, you can prepare on a mental and emotional level. Second of all, you can react in a different way, if you so choose to try a mindful approach. Third, this can give you guidance on your healing journey if it becomes too much to bare. We often lose our inner peace when we are surprised by external energies that trigger a wound or imbalance in us. My hope is that you find this information useful to your journey this month. In this article I will discuss how I perceived the energy of the two main Arcana cards that correspond to this month. I make sense of the continuity of the energy between last month and this month, and I wrap up this message with some general advice. Who Will This Apply To?Or rather who is this reading intended for? This energy reading is for everyone that goes by the Gregorian calendar. I have used a combination of basic numerology, the Tarot, and psychic vision to present you this information. The Energy of August 2022 - Building A New FoundationThe main energy for this month is The Temperance energy. This energy asks us to be careful in our actions, practice, and explorations. Especially when it comes to combining different elements into one. Whether it’s coming together with others in our personal lives, working as part of a team, coupling up, introducing people to each other, or creating something new out of old things, such as DIY projects. The Temperance energy asks us to use discernment, while we explore and practice.
The objective is to gain wisdom. Coming from the experience of The Death card in July, where we had to close a major chapter in our lives, it makes sense that this month the energy is asking us to be more responsible and steady-handed in our approach. After all we are starting new stories, and there is no need to rush to the finish line in this moment. This month we are building a new foundation that won't be tested until September 2023 (according to my math). 7/15/2022 insight about making a changeRecently I've been talking to people and noticing a common thread. One that I thought was only applicable to me. It was a good reminder that one; I'm never alone in my experiences, and two, that no one is perfect, no matter how put together they appear. I hope you see that this means that YOU'RE never alone in your experiences. For those struggling with perfectionism like me, I hope this helps you realize that taken to an extreme, seeking perfection, is a waste of your energy. Rather than waste your energy on an unachievable goal, seek to reorient your goals to feeling healthy and at peace. I feel like the idea of perfection is perpetuated by our inability to open up and be vulnerable. That also goes with saying that we may have had bad experiences when we do, as in we choose to be vulnerable with the wrong people, and then close back up. We tend to not talk about the things we want to change or the things that are troubling us. I think that we just don't talk about these experiences with the right people and that's where we make a mistake. We'll either talk to someone we feel close to but that person can't relate or even want to talk about things on the same level, or we might talk to people who judge us for talking about taboo topics. This only makes us feel alone and isolated with a problem. So what do we do? Well, what I've seen and done myself is that we learn to cope with it. We stop looking for a solution, and we just learn to "deal with it". And then what happens? We have this area of our lives that is a complete mess and we've resolved or given up on finding a solution for it because we tried, for a little while, or maybe for a long time, and nothing ever came from it. We may even get scared of what the change may bring to our lives. "I guess this is how it is and I'll just have to find a way to deal." |
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