2/9/2024 Angel Message 10101I received this message on the week of February 8, 2024. How are the Angels helping those who are dealing with toxic relationships? The Angels are communicating with you through Angel numbers. When you look at the clock, your bank account, a receipt, the TV, or a sign on the road, basically wherever your attention goes to the most, and you repeatedly see this number, this is a confirmation that the Angels have received your prayers and are replying to you, you will almost feel like this number is following you. This is what Angel Number 10101 means. Q: Angels what do people in toxic relationships need to know right now? Answer: Believe in yourself!
Your mission in this lifetime is important and you must love yourself completely. The Angels want you to know how beautiful you are. How precious your soul is and how important it is that you are a part of the Universe. Stay true to yourself. Your smile is a source of comfort for others. It is important that you remind yourself of this fact in times of darkness and despair. Seek the company of an old friend you can trust, or take a walk in nature to reconnect with Source. Click on Read More to continue reading 2/2/2024 Angel Message 77This message came to me on the first week of February 2024 How are the Angels helping those who are dealing with toxic relationships? The Angels are communicating with you through Angel numbers and if you are seeing number 77 in your bank account, a receipt, on the road, on TV, or wherever you are constantly looking and wondering or hoping that your prayers are being heard. This is what number 77 means. Question: Angels what do people in toxic relationships need to know right now? Answer: You can be happy! The Angels would like to remind you that the only moment that matters is now. Often your thoughts will drift into the past, don’t let them dwell there. Sometimes you worry because your thoughts will jump into the future. Return your focus to the present moment. This is a practice that takes discipline but that the results from it can help you stabilize your thoughts, emotions, and body. The Angels want you to know that you can experience harmony in this lifetime. Even when things are chaotic around you, it is possible. Harmony comes from within. For those that meditate, this message is a reminder to get back to your practice. For others you can build protection from other people’s judgments of you by doing some psychic protection exercises. These include: grounding, shielding, strengthening your aura, and closing your chakras. Instead of focusing on other people’s criticisms of you, choose to focus in the people and things that bring you joy. You can find this message and more like it by following my Instagram account @CupOfLoveOracle
Continue reading by clicking Read More 1/18/2024 Angel Message 1111 or 911This message came to me the week of Jan. 18, 2024. How are the Angels helping those who are dealing with toxic relationships? The Angels are communicating with you through Angel numbers, and if you are seeing number 1111 or 911 on your clock, a receipt, your bank account, on the road, TV, or wherever you are constantly looking and wondering if your prayers are being heard. This is what Angel number 1111 or 911 means. Question: Angels what do people in toxic relationships need to know right now? Answer: "Are you being loyal to positive thoughts or negative thoughts? When it comes to what you believe about yourself; ask if those thoughts that are crossing your mind, or that are being told to you, are creating something that makes you happy? By becoming aware of the way you think about yourself, it can open your eyes to the relationship between your thoughts and your feelings. The Angels want you to practice turning negative thoughts or comments into positive thoughts. Even when there are people around you who want you to believe a wrong version of you that they made up. The Angels also want you to know that you may not understand why you even have to deal with this toxic person. This person can be in your family or workplace. [I think it has to do with showing you what you DON’T deserve, in order to teach you how this energy feels. This way you can recognize it in the future and save yourself from more heartache.] Know that you are or will be going through the middle of a transformation, this is meant to feel uncomfortable while things are shifting. Think of how uncomfortable it is when there is an earthquake while it is happening. Once the tectonic plates settle where they need to be, it smoothes out again. In the same way it may not feel comfortable to believe good things about yourself right now, the more you practice, the more it will feel natural. Embrace going through this transformation as it will release you from what no longer serves you." You can find this message and more like it by following my Instagram account @CupOfLoveOracle. Get a personal reading for clarity or healing by clicking here. Book an energy Reiki healing session with me by clicking here.
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