5/30/2021 Mercury Retrograde in Gemini 2021What Does Mercury Retrograde Mean?And why does it matter that it's in Gemini? During this mercury retrograde time we have to take into account what the planet Mercury represents. That is thoughts and communication and how it connects. During a retrograde we are in the process of reviewing. When it is in Gemini we are reviewing communication, thoughts, information, and social connections. You can think of the retrograde season as a look back and a reassessment period. And specifically in this one our communication is paramount. The good thing is that Mercury is comfortable in the air element of Gemini. Mercury Retrograde StartsMercury Retrograde in Gemini started on May 29, 2021 and will be completely done by July 7, 2021. Between May 14-29 and June 22 and July 7 it is considered to be in shadow so you may have already gotten a preview of what's to come. Let's get into the messages. General Messages for Mercury Retrograde in GeminiIn general you may be tempted to engage in petty arguments over situations that are already over. This temptation to argue is coming from the ego and it is tied to wanting to be right. If you are able to detach and observe you'll see that the situation is over. It is time for change. Arguing only keeps you attached and alone in this. During this mercury retrograde you can become wiser about engaging in dead-end situations. It is the knowledge that the more you engage with said situation it doesn't go anywhere. Sometimes the only way to learn is in solitude. Messages for the Elements during Mercury RetrogradeDuring this mercury retrograde in Gemini, both air and earth signs share the task of finding balance in their respective domains. Air signs in their mental activity and earth signs in their physical abundance. The air, fire, and water signs are all coming to the end of story regarding struggle and pain. Let's get into each group's message and then we'll close it with a message for each individual sign. Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)I see a lot of imbalance between the ideas of giving/taking, and doing/resting. It is due to a lot of mental activity when it comes to these concepts, which can either keep you up late at night or wake you up earlier than intended. I can see that you'd like to figure this out and get a plan. You may find a solution in dividing responsibilities fairly. Whether that's you picking up some work or delegating some work. Whichever way it goes make sure you include yourself in the equation so that it is fair for everyone! Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)For earth signs I see an opening or at least a need to open up in order to bring balance into a situation. It feels like the imbalance or the need to keep that barrier to close off is coming from ego thoughts. "I must get mine before there is none left." All while you have more than enough. This constrain on generosity isn't helping you and in some cases even making things harder than they should. Ideally you want everyone to have the same amount all across the board but in reality it just looks like you're the selfish person. It's just a matter of either teaching others what you know or simply giving because you realize that you are better off than you thought. Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)I see fire signs closing a chapter during this period. It looks like taking a relaxed approach due to understanding that there are too many wonderful things that can happen. This mercury retrograde can be a time to drop the burdens and focus on your dreams and all the possibilities. Once you become clear of your burdens and work through releasing them it will open up a whole new chapter for you.
The planet Venus will enter the sign of Gemini tomorrow, May 8th and will remain there until June 2, 2021. Venus rules desire, love, and beauty. Gemini rules communication, change, and curiosity. In 2021, we are also dealing with the energy of the North Node in Gemini, the North Node as I understand it, is the guiding star for our soul's progression. If all this Gemini energy isn't enough to throw us off balance, before the month's end we'll have Mercury going retrograde in Gemini until July 7, 2021. How do we use these energies to our advantage? I've broken it down into four parts. In the first part I looked into the general idea of this season, the second part includes general changes coming our way. I believe that when you know that the waves of change are coming, you can have more fun, by jumping or surfing, and enjoying the moment instead of being hit by a 3 foot wave that no one told you about. It may not be your best choice if you brace for impact because you are afraid of the change. In part three I looked into the most possible social situations that each individual sign can expect during this season. As a closing message in part four I wrote down the type of thoughts that each element sign is most likely to experience. In Gemini our thinking will be affected, to say a word, you must have a thought first, and words can create unintended change. Is this really your thought or are you being influenced by Venus in Gemini? General Information Coming Our WayI was shown a sense of confusion, a lot of information that has not made sense until later. I'm shown two people. One person left the connection because it required a lot of energy and it was going to take a long time to benefit. I don't get the impression that they left for good, rather they left because they are impatient, they get bored easily, and they are overly controlling. The other person in this connection stayed back and focused on themselves. It is during this period that this person realizes just how long they've been waiting. They will begin to wonder if it's worth it. "I've done the work on myself and I thought they would be back by now!" It is also this person that considers letting this connection go to find something else. They've put a lot of work into themselves and now feel like they have so much more to offer that it might be worth checking other situations. The "should-I-stay-or-should-I-go" comes into play. The confusion continues. What is clear to me is that this situation is worth the wait, it is worth work, it is very fruitful but it's essentially abandoned. This situation must apply to a greater collective out there to come out with so many specifics in the general area. Changes Coming Our WayFor the person that left the connection because of their impatience and control issues. You find out you're "stuck" wherever you went to. You like your freedom, to come and go as you please, and now you can't. I definitely see obstacles that you may believe you need to overcome but during this season consider the gift of being stuck. Instead of always being on-the-go, you might benefit from staying put. There will be an inclination to doubt this connection despite how well you get along with them. Be here now.
For the person that has been working on themselves, the one that stayed behind; you are now doubtful of new connections as well. The question that comes up is What is more important? The past or the present? Sure, the past you know, even if it's bad, you know it, and in that sense it's easier. The present is new, exciting, and you have to put work in to get results. You might think: "it's good now but it probably won't last" and let yourself down wondering if the past will repeat itself. I do consider the possibility of this person having the guts to reach out to the person that left and having them return since they are looking for a way out. |
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