Boost Your Self-Esteem MonthFebruary is International Boost Your Self-Esteem Month. It is dedicated to helping people around the world learn ways in which they can boost their self-esteem. The way I know how to help people in this area, and what has worked for me has been energy healing, specifically Reiki energy healing. In this article I will point out how Reiki energy healing can help you overcome any blocks you may be experiencing when it comes to boosting your self-esteem. This information came to me as a vision and I saw how the chakras are connected to our communication, support, respect, and skill building abilities. What is Self-Esteem?Self-esteem is how you think and feel about yourself. People with high self-esteem are considered to be confident, strong in the face of challenges, and supportive of others. One develops self-esteem in two main ways; the first way is through external validation; these are the messages we receive from others about ourselves. About who we are and our abilities. When someone compliments you that increases your self-esteem. Other people can help build us up or break us down and in turn we can do the same for others. Giving other people compliments or recognizing them for something they’ve done can also make us feel good and in turn boost our self-esteem. The second way; is through our internal influence which is determined by the quality of our thoughts and feelings about who we think we are. It is important to use both ways in a balanced manner to become both a confident and loving person. How I Worked On My Self-Esteem with Energy HealingI remember sitting in my first therapist’s office, at the age of 13 or 14, completely confused and unable to say much when the therapist asked me to name any positive qualities I thought I had. I may have said, “I’m good at drawing” after several minutes of silence. But I’m not sure. At the time that’s all I could have tangibly seen was true about me. I don't remember much about that year of therapy other than being given anti-depressants, which I took for 10 years. I now realize that one of the problems was that I was raised by people who were obsessed with external validation. They lacked the internal influence to think or feel anything good or positive about themselves and the result of this was a hyper focus on appearances and what other people thought of them. When they paid a compliment to me, I could tell, even as a child, that it was disingenuous. It wasn’t given from a place of true recognition, but rather from a place of jealousy and lack. The best way I can describe it today is that feeling of giving from an empty cup. The result of this was that it made them unable to teach me how to build my own self-esteem through internal influence. The worst part of all is that I couldn’t belief any compliments I received from anyone and I had no sense of goodness from within. It made life very difficult. Fast forward just over 20 years later. I had become a Reiki practitioner three years prior and using it with some regularity. I chose to see an therapist to work through some childhood events that were being triggered by my current circumstances. This time when the therapist asked me the same question: Can you tell me some good qualities you think you have? I was able to say; I’m strong, I’m intelligent, I’m a good friend, I’m sensitive, I enjoy making others laugh, etc. The only thing that changed from that first session to the last one was getting off anti-depressants followed by the introduction of energy healing several years later. When I became a Reiki practitioner and began doing self-healing sessions on myself. I began recognizing the energy of authenticity in other people’s words. I had to work hard to fight my internal influence that often counter-acted whatever compliment I received, but the Reiki healing began to break the blocks that had built up over all those years. As I have continued in this journey, Reiki healing has helped me find the confidence in myself, overcome challenges, and recognize the good that does exist within me both from within and through compliments. It has also helped me realize the parts that aren’t so good, which I have been able to slowly work on. In the last 9 years, I have even found the confidence to learn new skills and to be less harsh about failing or making mistakes as I learn. I also walk with my head held high, rather than down at my feet. It is a wonderful feeling! Having this internal influence balanced is what has helped me to get back up when I was down. What is Reiki Energy Healing?Reiki energy healing is a Japanese technique where the practitioner channels energy through their hands into people, places, or things with the intention of bringing peace, calm, and healing into them. Reiki practitioners work by clearing and balancing an energetic system in the body called The Chakras. There are 7 main chakras that run up the spine. This chakra system helps distribute energy to all parts of the body from the head to the toes. It is this energy that makes the following tips easier to execute. The blocks build up over time and eventually make these activities harder to participate in. Even if someone had given me this list many years ago, it would have been hard for me to follow through with the energetic blocks around me. How to Boost Your Self-EsteemAccording Our Health Our Futures program, the following is a general list for boosting one’s self-esteem. 1) Make a list of your strengths or things you are good at. 2) Make a list of the things you wish you were better at, and work on them 3) Give yourself credit 4) Reduce your stress levels 5) Exercise 6) Share your feelings How Can Reiki Energy Healing Help with Low Self-EsteemWhen it comes to doing any of the above exercises, if you have energetic blocks, you may encounter an unexplainable barrier to doing them. This can be anything from distracting yourself with other things instead of doing the exercise, or it can be a feeling of heaviness or confusion when it comes to the thought of doing the exercises. Of course, if you are satisfied with your self-esteem, then you might identify the above exercises as common behaviors and this article isn’t for you. Knowing that we must do something and then being unable to follow through due to distractions or feelings of discomfort are common signs of having energetic block in your body. Energetic blocks happen to everyone. Sometimes we have them from childhood or they are created through bad or traumatic experiences in our adult years. Reiki practitioners can sense or see these blocks while in session and can use Reiki energy healing to remove them from the chakra system. When the blocks are gone, the energy starts flowing freely, and people are able to do things with more ease. Often it’s easy to notice the difference before and after a session when it comes to having energetic blocks removed. The struggle is removed from the experience, and it is easier to act on the things we couldn’t in the past. When it comes to recognizing your strengths and weaknesses, blocks in the root, navel, heart, and throat chakra make it hard to see clearly. Blocks in your heart and throat chakra make it difficult to express your true feelings with compassion. And if you are finding it difficult to exercise, blocks in your root, navel, and solar plexus chakras are making it harder than it should. Additionally, every single Reiki session will reduce your stress levels. Reiki energy healing has a very calming effect so just getting a session can help you relax which is one of the ways that helps boost your self-esteem. One session may not be enough to clear all the blocks depending on how big or how many there are but it can help reduce or eliminate some of them in order for you to experience relief in these areas. I’ve been guided to offer two options for people who would like to boost their self-esteem through Reiki energy healing. The first option is through private one-on-one sessions, and it can take up to 10 sessions to see a result like the one I had. The second option, is through a closed-group setting. I am organizing it to be a weekly group gathering online where I can work on the entire group at once for this purpose. For the group sessions, contact me before February 26, 2022 to learn more and how to join. Stefanie BentesSecond Degree Usui Reiki practitioner since 2013. Sources: References: ©2021-2024, Estefania Bentes-Levy, All Rights Reserved.
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